Sunday, November 13, 2011

Week of Nov 14

Saturday game scheduled 3pm in Rohnert Park (2 hours away)
Eagle Park
1115 Emily Ave
Rohnert Park

Sunday game Parkway at Conlin Field - 2pm game be there at 1pm

Monday, November 7, 2011

Week of Nov 7

No practice Monday - I'm under the weather.

Wednesday - practice 7:30-9 Conlin Field.

Saturday Game - be at Conlin at 11:30 for the 12:30 game against Bohemians (celebrating the mighty 7)

Sunday Game - start time is 2pm (be at Conlin field at 1pm)

Photos- I have the team photos and will distribute this weekend.


Thursday, November 3, 2011

Week of Oct 31

Parkway game 11/5 is cancelled. To be rescheduled perhaps to 11/13.

Starting 11/7 - Practices shift to Conlin Field - 7:30pm-9pm M/W.